• Re: what if biden dies

    From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to DR. WHAT on Mon Dec 4 11:12:00 2023
    Nope. They are not the same, juast as influenza is not the same as the poliovirus or the measles virus.

    And none of them have been
    1. Isolated.
    2. Proven to cause disease.

    For all intents and purposes, they are the same.

    Poliovirus was isolated in 1909. Not only has it been isolated, its genome
    has been sequenced, and its structure has been determined. It has been determined to cause polio.

    Multiple strains of influenza have also been isolated. Influenza mutates,
    and there are multiple strains. Influenza strains have been shown to cause
    the flu in multiple animals, mostly mammals and birds.

    The coronavirus that causes SARS was isolated before 2003. That year, it
    was also shown that monkeys infected with this cornonavirus developed the
    same SARS symptoms as humans, proving that the virus causes SARS.

    The coronavirus that causes COVID has been isolated, sequenced, and its structure identified. Several partial snipits from interviews that have
    been circulated on the internet that claim otherwise have been debunked by multiple sources.

    Yes, you do assume that. The "information" out there is from sources that have
    been proven to be incorrect and pushing an agenda. Now whether that agenda is >from the Elitists has not been proven, but it does seem to go along with it.

    So they've been out to get Trump since 1909 and before? That is when some
    of the earliest "information" in question was determined. That is a long
    time to be pushing an agenda, especially since Trump was yet to be born in 1909.

    What is very interesting is the graph of the use of heavy metal pesticides. As
    they increased in use, polio cases went up. And when they decided to get rid >of them, polio cases went down. And today, we don't use them.

    But yet, people (who have not been immunized for the poliovirus) still get polio, even though "today, we don't use (heavy metal pesticides)." Heavy
    metal pesticide exposure may have caused multiple issues, including ones
    with similar symptoms and outcomes, but they don't cause the poliovirus or polio.

    I'm not the one who is insisting that the flu and COVID are viruses that cause >disease. So it's not on me to prove anything. It's up to you and the >"experts" to do that.

    If we provide you with proof, it will be dismissed as "the narrative" (as it already has been dismissed) even though much of what is known about viruses (excluding specifics about COVID) long proceeds the 2020 election.

    Basically what we have here...

    (1) An Event took place.

    (2) Members of Group A used that Event to their benefit, mixing in some
    false information in the process. Some of that info was "what was known"
    that was later found to be false, and some if it was likely on purpose.

    (3) Members of Group B have decided that since Group A lied/mislead/were
    wrong about some of the information spread about the Event, everything that
    was said by anyone that matches anything that Group A said is also wrong.
    This includes many facts that were known long before the Event.

    (4) These same members of Group B only listen to and believe sources
    (equally faulty) that support their belief that everything said by Group A
    is false, even when it comes to facts that were known long before the Event.

    Saying it is on us to "reprove" things that were long ago proven (i.e. influenca is a virus that causes disease) is like telling us we need to "reprove" that the Earth is round just because some left-wing politician said it was round so others have now decided that, because they said it was round, it must be flat.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Keep repeating: It's only four more years......

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From anthk@VERT to All on Tue Dec 5 04:59:07 2023
    On 2023-11-27, Arelor <PALANTIR!Arelor@vert.synchro.net> wrote:

    Re: Re: what if biden dies
    By: hollowone to Arelor on Sun Nov 26 2023 07:46 am

    I believe West is more transforming than dying, but time will show.

    Once you are at your highest, any road you take will lead you down.

    Western Europe at least has transitioned to become service economies. Nobody wants to dig ore in a mine when you can sell coffee in a pub.

    The issue is if you have a stash of money you use to buy industrialized products and prime matter from elsewhere, and your economy is based on local services, you are screwed, because you will end up running out of money your providers want to accept eventually.

    It doesn't help that a lot of the services we run are artificial or are services created in response to limitations we have created. A lot of accounting offices exist only because it is nigh impossible to navigate ever changing tax regulations.

    I am not optimistic because we have historical precendents of what happens whena culture becomes so rich it can make other cultures work for them in exchange
    of money while the rich culture sits on their lazy asses. It usually ends badly.


    â–  Synchronet â–  Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL

    In Spain for instance there was a big industry of coal, but burning it has no future.
    In the Southern coast everyone and his cat wants a job related to bars/tourism. We'll see how 'well' does that work with the climate change. And no, the North of Spain is not a tourist haven because, well, the Brits and Germans don't want to get
    the literal same climate they got in their countries.

    I wish my country was more like Torres Quevedo/Ramón y Cajal and less than a real-life RPG
    of a Monopoly board where the main industries are Tourism and Construction related.
    Because in a few years, the Mediterranean coast in Spain will have hurricanes similar
    to the Florida ones in the US.

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ Vertrauen ï¿­ Home of Synchronet ï¿­ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Dr. What@VERT/CPMDEN to poindexter FORTRAN on Tue Dec 5 07:40:00 2023
    poindexter FORTRAN wrote to Dr. What <=-

    Do viruses exist? I don't know. They've never been able to isolate
    one. Do viruses cause disease? Again, I don't know since they've never isolated one and shown that its introduction causes anything.

    Wait, what?

    *** Propaganda deleted ***

    If you actually dig into the documentation the virology hoax pretty much along the lines of:
    1. We took someone who showed symptoms and took some of his juice.
    2. We then injected that juice into the blood stream of someone who didn't show symptoms and now he shows symptoms.
    3. Oh, here's a pretty microscopic picture of the first guy's juice with some things in it. We assert (without evidence) that those things are the viruses. So it must have been those that caused the symptoms.
    4. And we have lots of people who we didn't inject the first guy's juice into, but we can see that they they have the things too, but they don't show symptoms. So we are going to call those people "asymptomatic".
    5. And why some people show symptoms, but don't have the first's guy's juice in them, and no microscopic things, is still a mystery. But they have the virus too because they show symptoms.

    We can excuse Louis Pasteur and the people of his day because they simply didn't have the equipment and controls then. But today, we should be able to isolate a virus and demonstrate, with controls, that exposure to it causes the symptoms. The fact is that they've never done that. Ever.

    ... When all else is lost, the future still remains.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ My Brand-New BBS
  • From Dr. What@VERT/CPMDEN to Dumas Walker on Tue Dec 5 07:45:00 2023
    Dumas Walker wrote to DR. WHAT <=-

    Poliovirus was isolated in 1909.

    When they didn't have the technology to isolate a virus.

    Not only has it been isolated, its
    genome has been sequenced, and its structure has been determined. It
    has been determined to cause polio.

    Says the people who believe that viruses exist.

    Multiple strains of influenza have also been isolated. Influenza
    mutates, and there are multiple strains. Influenza strains have been shown to cause the flu in multiple animals, mostly mammals and birds.

    Again, by the people who have a vested interest in perpetuating the virus myth.

    They **claim** they have isolated it. But if you actually read the research, they didn't.

    If we provide you with proof, it will be dismissed as "the narrative"
    (as it already has been dismissed) even though much of what is known
    about viruses (excluding specifics about COVID) long proceeds the 2020 election.

    I'm still waiting for proof. Giving me links to groups who have a vested interesting in continuing the virus hoax is not proof. Telling me that something has been isolated when the research clearly shows that it hasn't
    is not proof.

    Trusting the "experts" is not acceptable anymore because too many experts aren't.

    ... You can turn ANY conversation into one about sex!
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ My Brand-New BBS
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to DR. WHAT on Wed Dec 6 10:31:00 2023
    If we provide you with proof, it will be dismissed as "the narrative" (as it already has been dismissed) even though much of what is known about viruses (excluding specifics about COVID) long proceeds the 2020 election.

    I'm still waiting for proof. Giving me links to groups who have a vested interesting in continuing the virus hoax is not proof. Telling me that something has been isolated when the research clearly shows that it hasn't
    is not proof.

    Trusting the "experts" is not acceptable anymore because too many experts aren't.

    So basically we trust people who certainly are not experts who tell us that viruses are a hoax? No thank you. We've already seen how that works out
    for religious and other groups that don't believe in doctors.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Veni, Vidi, Velcro. (I came, I saw, I stuck around)

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANTIR to Dumas Walker on Wed Dec 6 21:51:00 2023
    Dumas Walker wrote to DR. WHAT <=-

    If we provide you with proof, it will be dismissed as "the narrative" (as it already has been dismissed) even though much of what is known about viruses (excluding specifics about COVID) long proceeds the 2020 election.

    I'm still waiting for proof. Giving me links to groups who have a vested interesting in continuing the virus hoax is not proof. Telling me that something has been isolated when the research clearly shows that it hasn't is not proof.

    Trusting the "experts" is not acceptable anymore because too many experts aren't.

    So basically we trust people who certainly are not experts who
    tell us that viruses are a hoax? No thank you. We've already
    seen how that works out for religious and other groups that don't
    believe in doctors.

    I think you're wasting your time trying to discuss with, or use logical thinking with, this absolutely over-the-edge fringe whacko. Best to just ignore and laugh at such idiots.

    ... Goodness! That was close! I almost gave a damn.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Gamgee on Thu Dec 7 00:16:47 2023
    Re: Re: what if biden dies
    By: Gamgee to Dumas Walker on Wed Dec 06 2023 09:51 pm

    If we provide you with proof, it will be dismissed as "the narrative" (as it already has been dismissed) even though much of what is known about viruses (excluding specifics about COVID) long proceeds the 2020 election.

    I'm still waiting for proof. Giving me links to groups who have a vested interesting in continuing the virus hoax is not proof. Telling me that something has been isolated when the research clearly shows that it hasn't is not proof.

    Trusting the "experts" is not acceptable anymore because too many experts aren't.

    So basically we trust people who certainly are not experts who
    tell us that viruses are a hoax? No thank you. We've already
    seen how that works out for religious and other groups that don't believe in doctors.

    I think you're wasting your time trying to discuss with, or use logical thinking with, this absolutely over-the-edge fringe whacko. Best to just ignore and laugh at such idiots.

    I just blocked the fool. obviously there was a virus that a sect of the scientific community were playing with in china and it got out. I had covid twice and it's nothing i've ever had in my life. It didn't come close to killing me but I know several people who died of it. In my life I never had so many people I know die of the same illness in such a short timeframe.

    You only need a quarter of a brain to understand that covid does exist, most people have got it and not even known it, it kills some people and does weird things to some people's bodies like nothing else(blood clots and heart issues). It also shed light on the fact that we are not prepared for any type of biological threat, and such a threat spreads quickly.

    Luckily there were strains that were super contagious and less life threatening that basically allowed enough people to get anti-bodies to starve out the bad strains of covid-19. Now there's one that's been around since late summer that leaves some people with chronic bronchitis for a period of time after beating it.

    The weird thing is I've only been sick a handful of the time for decades. I'm 46 and I have not had the flu since I was 18. Now I get everything. I'm sick right now with a cold.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Dr. What@VERT/CPMDEN to Dumas Walker on Thu Dec 7 07:22:00 2023
    Dumas Walker wrote to DR. WHAT <=-

    Trusting the "experts" is not acceptable anymore because too many experts aren't.

    So basically we trust people who certainly are not experts who tell us that viruses are a hoax? No thank you. We've already seen how that
    works out for religious and other groups that don't believe in doctors.

    And, once again, you missed it.

    I am saying we can trust the experts. The problem is that we need to use some critical thinking skills to understand who is or is not an expert. We have too many NPC's walking around with no real education, but with a bogus degree and title.

    An expert is someone who will put his sources and argument out on the table and invite you to examine things and ask questions - that will be answered.

    A so-called "expert" is someone who won't let you see the sources, won't put an argument out there, and will tell you to just trust him because he's an "expert". And how dare you question or disagree with him.

    So it should be pretty easy to determine who is and is not an expert today.

    If he got lots of time from the Propaganda Ministry... er... Mainstream media, then he's not an expert. If he got "fact checked" and blocked on social media, he probably was.

    ... Avoid the 5 o'clock rush - always leave work at noon.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ My Brand-New BBS
  • From Dr. What@VERT/CPMDEN to Gamgee on Thu Dec 7 07:23:00 2023
    Gamgee wrote to Dumas Walker <=-

    I think you're wasting your time trying to discuss with, or use logical thinking with, this absolutely over-the-edge fringe whacko. Best to
    just ignore and laugh at such idiots.

    Are you Lee or Al? I have to ask because you're projecting again.

    ... Your analyst has you confused with another patient.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ My Brand-New BBS
  • From Dr. What@VERT/CPMDEN to MRO on Thu Dec 7 07:44:00 2023
    MRO wrote to Gamgee <=-

    I just blocked the fool.

    Good. Then you won't mind...

    Obviously there was a virus that a sect of
    the scientific community were playing with in china and it got out.

    Obviously you are gullible and bought the propaganda. I have a bridge in New York that I'd like to sell you.

    I had covid twice and it's nothing i've ever had in my life.

    You were told you had COVID and, due to your gullibility, were already primed to be overly sensitive about the symptoms. I suggest you look up the word "hypochondriac".

    It didn't come close to killing me

    Because it was just the common cold or flu.

    but I know several people who died of it.

    You know several people you were told died of it. Without any evidence.

    My offer on the bridge is still available.

    my life I never had so many people I know die of the same illness in
    such a short timeframe.

    Yet many of us never knew anyone who died of COVID, or even with COVID.

    You must hang around with a great deal of unhealthy people.

    You only need a quarter of a brain to understand that covid does exist,

    No one ever claimed it didn't.

    Again, you've fallen for the standard Elitist tactic:
    1. Pick a fact.
    2. Build a false Narrative around it.
    3. When someone says the Narrative is false, point to the fact and claim "denier".

    1. COVID was never isolated.
    2. COVID was never shown to cause infection.
    3. The PCR test that showed that someone had COVID was 100% bogus.

    most people have got it and not even known it,

    So you now admit that it's not a problem.

    it kills some people and

    Hmmm... Just like the seasonal flu. And you can look that data up on the CDC web site. Since you trust the CDC, that shouldn't be a problem.

    does weird things to some people's bodies like nothing else(blood clots and heart issues).

    That's the jab for those people so stupid to get it.

    It also shed light on the fact that we are not
    prepared for any type of biological threat, and such a threat spreads quickly.

    And you are still pushing the false Narrative that only the gov't can protect us against scary things.

    I have a better idea:
    1. Stop smoking.
    2. Stop heavy drinking.
    3. Eat healty.
    4. Exercise.

    You'd be surprised by how little impact the next "pandemic" has.

    ... Network management is like trying to herd cats...
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ My Brand-New BBS
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MRO on Thu Dec 7 09:21:00 2023
    It also shed light on the fact that we are not prepared for any type of biological threat, and such a threat spreads quickly.

    This is the scary part for sure.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Florida: when we say, "DUCK!", we don't mean Donald.

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Bandit@VERT/BANHID to Dumas Walker on Mon Dec 11 01:01:28 2023
    Re: Re: what if biden dies
    By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Thu Dec 07 2023 09:21:00

    I don't know honestly. I'm just looking at myself and the people close to me and I put all that in perspective.
    Was I and my family better off from 2016-2020? Are my family better off 2020-Current? I can honestly tell you that from 2016-2020,we were better off than we are now. The groceries that I bought, just checked out the same thing I got from April 2023 a few days
    ago and there was a $20 difference (and i had a $2 coupon).

    "Trump lowered the taxes on the rich!" Yes but I also paid lower taxes and paid lower on food because the rich people that
    control the food lowered their prices commensurate to their expenses.

    Biden voters will never tell you anything good about Biden and will always shift over to Trump.
    Trump voters won't STFU about the good that he did during his term and laugh at Biden's mishaps.

    I see some disparity here. Trump did a lot of good for our country, despite being hounded every day for "Russia".

    Biden can't be bothered to ask questions about his son's indictment, which is probably what Trump should've done was
    ignored the press, but you know, Every single day during the covid outbreak, Trump was up there for 3 or 4 hours telling
    the American people what he thought and his gameplans. The day Biden took office, we didn't hear a word from him.

    þ Synchronet þ bbs.chrisfaulkner.org:6400 If you'd like to visit.
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Bandit on Mon Dec 11 07:10:42 2023
    Re: Re: what if biden dies
    By: Bandit to Dumas Walker on Mon Dec 11 2023 01:01 am

    Biden can't be bothered to ask questions about his son's indictment, which is probably what Trump should've done was
    ignored the press, but you know, Every single day during the covid outbreak, Trump was up there for 3 or 4 hours telling
    the American people what he thought and his gameplans. The day Biden took office, we didn't hear a word from him.

    if someone asks joe biden a question he either walks out or he gets sundown angry and says something stupid.

    his pres secretary runs off too.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to BANDIT on Mon Dec 11 11:04:00 2023
    I don't know honestly. I'm just looking at myself and the people close to me a
    d I put all that in perspective.
    Was I and my family better off from 2016-2020? Are my family better off 2020-Cu
    rent? I can honestly tell you that from 2016-2020,we were better off than we a
    e now. The groceries that I bought, just checked out the same thing I got from
    April 2023 a few days
    ago and there was a $20 difference (and i had a $2 coupon).

    I can honestly say the same. My expenses were lower on things I must have,
    and I could more afford things I "liked" to have. Now, the only times I
    can say my overall expenses are down is if I only shop for groceries, only
    pay for power-water-etc., and don't drive anywhere beyond the grocery
    store. Even then, they are not always less.

    As for things beyond expenses, we seem to be moving back towards being
    under potential threat from Russia, China, and terrorists than whe were
    during the 2016-2020 time frame.

    "Trump lowered the taxes on the rich!" Yes but I also paid lower taxes and paid
    lower on food because the rich people that
    control the food lowered their prices commensurate to their expenses.

    A lot of people who chant that mantra also seem to have a lot more
    disposable income than I do, so I am not sure why they are complaining --
    i.e. I would consider them rich.

    Biden voters will never tell you anything good about Biden and will always shif
    over to Trump.
    Trump voters won't STFU about the good that he did during his term and laugh at
    Biden's mishaps.

    They will sometimes make some weak arguement that the environment is better
    off now (although those EVs take a lot of natural resources that are not "clean" to mine), but yes they mostly shift to how having Trump as
    President will make them feel.

    I see some disparity here. Trump did a lot of good for our country, despite be
    ng hounded every day for "Russia".

    And a hoax at that.

    Biden can't be bothered to ask questions about his son's indictment, which is p
    obably what Trump should've done was
    ignored the press, but you know, Every single day during the covid outbreak, Tr
    mp was up there for 3 or 4 hours telling
    the American people what he thought and his gameplans. The day Biden took offi
    e, we didn't hear a word from him.

    A lot of real Trump fans will tell you that he needs to engage the press
    even more (because I believe they live off his every word), but I agree he should have kept his mouth shut a lot more than he did.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Once again, Odo wins the Twister championship.

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Dumas Walker on Tue Dec 12 06:02:44 2023
    Re: Re: what if biden dies
    By: Dumas Walker to BANDIT on Mon Dec 11 2023 11:04 am

    I can honestly say the same. My expenses were lower on things I must have, and I could more afford things I "liked" to have. Now, the only times I
    can say my overall expenses are down is if I only shop for groceries, only pay for power-water-etc., and don't drive anywhere beyond the grocery
    store. Even then, they are not always less.

    As for things beyond expenses, we seem to be moving back towards being

    i'm getting pinched from all sides. every single bill i pay and every single thing i buy has gone up in price and keeps going up.

    e, we didn't hear a word from him.

    A lot of real Trump fans will tell you that he needs to engage the press even more (because I believe they live off his every word), but I agree he should have kept his mouth shut a lot more than he did.

    the press made a lot of money off trump.then when he was gone there was a huge void. for some reason they don't really point out how bad biden is most of the time. i wonder if their masters want biden in power. no i dont wonder.
    that's what it is.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MRO on Tue Dec 12 09:43:00 2023
    I can honestly say the same. My expenses were lower on things I must have, and I could more afford things I "liked" to have. Now, the only times I can say my overall expenses are down is if I only shop for groceries, only pay for power-water-etc., and don't drive anywhere beyond the grocery store. Even then, they are not always less.

    As for things beyond expenses, we seem to be moving back towards being

    i'm getting pinched from all sides. every single bill i pay and every single ing i buy has gone up in price and keeps going up.

    My combined utility bill is the one I am feeling the most. I can buy
    cheaper substitutes for most other things, but that is somewhat of a
    monopoly so it is difficult there. It has gone up at least 33%, and that is with me conserving on some things more.

    Putting gas in the car hurts more, but at least it has gone back down some
    and I can somewhat control how much I drive (and I don't live in

    the press made a lot of money off trump.then when he was gone there was a huge >oid. for some reason they don't really point out how bad biden is most of the >ime. i wonder if their masters want biden in power. no i dont wonder. >that's what it is.

    Although I don't doubt your conclusion, it could also be that Trump always provided them with some new sound bytes to go on about. Reporting yet
    again that Biden has mumbled, stumbled, or got lost while walking off a
    stage becomes old news after a while. It is more news now when he is completely coherent.

    * SLMR 2.1a * On the other hand, you have different fingers.

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MRO on Tue Dec 12 09:44:00 2023
    if someone asks joe biden a question he either walks out or he gets sundown an
    y and says something stupid.

    his pres secretary runs off too.

    IMHO, she is worse than Biden. She holds press conferences where she
    should be answering questions. At least Jenn Psaki tried to answer them,
    even if we maybe didn't like the answer, but this lady closes down pressers
    on a regular basis when she doesn't like the questions asked.

    * SLMR 2.1a * "Silence. Music's original alternative. Roots-grunge!"

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Nopants@VERT/CITBBS to Dumas Walker on Tue Dec 12 16:35:00 2023
    Re: Re: what if biden dies
    By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Tue Dec 12 2023 09:43 am

    again that Biden has mumbled, stumbled, or got lost while walking off a stage becomes old news after a while. It is more news now when he is completely coherent.

    Wait, has this happened!? Please provide news source.

    þ Synchronet þ The Crack in Time BBS - crackintimebbs.ddns.net:2323
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Nopants on Tue Dec 12 19:09:57 2023
    Re: Re: what if biden dies
    By: Nopants to Dumas Walker on Tue Dec 12 2023 04:35 pm

    again that Biden has mumbled, stumbled, or got lost while walking off a
    stage becomes old news after a while. It is more news now when he is
    completely coherent.

    Wait, has this happened!? Please provide news source.

    Multiple sound bites of Biden mumbling and stammering and being incoherent have been in the news. These are a couple of examples:
    https://youtu.be/d6CifkY3BGc?si=PZEmrzEJ7uNsXgxt https://youtu.be/Zg25440ledA?si=Y2rRMu71p3PcfFf- https://youtu.be/AQ_ToKxYnQ8?si=d81v-rmt5J-WUqEn


    þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to NIGHTFOX on Wed Dec 13 09:30:00 2023
    again that Biden has mumbled, stumbled, or got lost while walking off a
    stage becomes old news after a while. It is more news now when he is
    completely coherent.

    Wait, has this happened!? Please provide news source.

    Multiple sound bites of Biden mumbling and stammering and being incoherent hav
    been in the news. These are a couple of examples: https://youtu.be/d6CifkY3BGc?si=PZEmrzEJ7uNsXgxt https://youtu.be/Zg25440ledA?si=Y2rRMu71p3PcfFf- https://youtu.be/AQ_ToKxYnQ8?si=d81v-rmt5J-WUqEn

    Thanks. Nopants sort of proved my point. It has happened so much it is old news now and Nopants had no idea it has happened, and multiple times.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Squirt guns don't soak people, People soak people.

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From sbdstech@VERT/SBDSTECH to Nightfox on Wed Dec 13 20:26:05 2023
    Re: Re: what if biden dies
    By: Nightfox to Nopants on Tue Dec 12 2023 07:09 pm

    Re: Re: what if biden dies

    It might be growing up in New York and drowned in sarcasm for 49 years of my life but I'm fairly certain that he was looking for clips of Biden speaking coherantly .. :) Just my .02 .. peace
    - Vito

    þ Synchronet þ SBDS - bbs.sbdata.net
  • From Bf2k+@VERT/TACOPRON to sbdstech on Wed Dec 13 22:17:12 2023
    Re: Re: what if biden dies
    By: sbdstech to Nightfox on Wed Dec 13 2023 08:26 pm

    It might be growing up in New York and drowned in sarcasm for 49 years of my life but I'm fairly certain that he was looking for clips of Biden speaking coherantly .. :) Just my .02 .. peace
    - Vito
    I thought so too...

    þ Synchronet þ TIRED of waiting 2 hours for a taco? GO TO TACOPRONTO.bbs.io
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to SBDSTECH on Thu Dec 14 09:28:00 2023
    It might be growing up in New York and drowned in sarcasm for 49 years of my li
    e but I'm fairly certain that he was looking for clips of Biden speaking cohera
    tly .. :) Just my .02 .. peace

    I didn't even catch that. :D You might be right.

    * SLMR 2.1a * If I got the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP