• test

    From Richard Williamson@GAMENET/RICHARDF to all on Sun Mar 8 14:14:01 2020

    þ Synchronet þ Richard's Fun House BBS | http://richardf.ddns.net
  • From HSM@GAMENET/FREESPEA to Richard Williamson on Sun Mar 8 20:28:00 2020
    On 08 Mar 2020, Richard Williamson said the following...


    ­ Synchronet ­ Richard's Fun House BBS | http://richardf.ddns.net

    Looks like you passed the test...

    -=- HSM -=-

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 2020/02/18 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: -=- TheFreeSpeak.com -=- Pittsburgh, PA -=-
  • From Melkor@GAMENET/STARFRON to Richard Williamson on Tue Mar 10 17:26:44 2020
    Re: test
    By: Richard Williamson to all on Sun Mar 08 2020 02:14 pm

    Got you here

    þ Synchronet þ Star Frontiers BBS starfron.synchronetbbs.org