• Board Gaming during these times

    From Alpha@GAMENET to All on Mon Mar 23 05:32:21 2020
    Board games are social to the core; so during these times, it's impossible to get the regular crew together in person -- here's what I've been playing!

    - Tabletop Simulator on Steam. Are you kidding? Amazing.
    - Wingspan (on TS)
    - Azul (with family, actually)
    - Pathfinder card game (solo)

    Also, just ordered Cyberpunk RED jumpstart (tabletop RPG)

    What are you playing?

    |08.|07..|15.. |05Alpha |07- |13Card & Claw BBS |07- |08Berkeley, CA USA

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  • From Dumas Walker@GAMENET/CAPCITY2 to ALPHA on Mon Mar 23 17:35:00 2020
    What are you playing?

    I am not playing anything at the moment, but did read somewhere the other
    day about some guys who play D&D via remote. I think they play using a
    video chat service over the internet.

    In the past, people played chess by mail. I guess one could play it by
    email to limit the contact with paper handled by someone else.

    I have played some video solitaire lately, now that I think of it. :)


    * SLMR 2.1a * My baby she wrote me a letter...

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Alpha@GAMENET to Dumas Walker on Tue Mar 24 18:44:55 2020
    I am not playing anything at the moment, but did read somewhere the other day about some guys who play D&D via remote. I think they play using a video chat service over the internet.

    D&D is actually pretty fun over the internet! Roll20.net is a pretty cool service with video, chat and player/DM tools. Things like "whispers" let the
    DM chat privately to players during a campaign, give them secret knowledge, etc. Background music, playlists, live drawing, map layers, etc. Fun stuff! They even have a Twitch channel you can just lurk and watch campaigns.

    |08.|07..|15.. |05Alpha |07- |13Card & Claw BBS |07- |08Berkeley, CA USA

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/03/16 (Linux/64)
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