• hey...

    From fang-castro@WEEDNET/NIGHTVLT to All on Tue Nov 2 01:07:00 2021
    got any weeeeeeeed?

    |08__ _ _ ____ |02_ _ |10___ _ _ |02____ |08_ _ _ ___
    |08| \| | |__\ |02|--| |10 | \/ |02|--| |08|__| |___ |
  • From HSM@WEEDNET/BBSGAME to fang-castro on Fri Nov 12 16:09:00 2021
    On 02 Nov 2021, fang-castro said the following...

    got any weeeeeeeed?

    __ _ _ ____ _ _ ___ _ _ ____ _ _ _ ___
    | \| | |__\ |--| | \/ |--| |__| |___ |

    Packed and waiting for me when I get home from work!

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    ³|01³ ScoobysDoo|14.|01ddns|14.|01net|14:|032023|01 ³|14³

    ... If you can't make it good, make it LOOK good. -Bill Gates.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/08/22 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: BBS GameTime - mystic.BBSGameTime.com:23